Marcel Duchamp: Art Of The Possible 2020

Marcel Duchamp: Art Of The Possible


Plot Synopsis

As Marcel Duchamp can attest with his painting of the "Mona Lisa" with a moustache, art does not necessarily need to be highbrow in order to achieve immortality. His subversive attitude to art redefined its meaning that had been well-established for several hundred years. As the father of conceptual art, Duchamp challenged traditional aesthetics and tore apart prevailing conventions and forms of art, refusing to repeat what others had done and paving the way for future generations of artists to create in an unencumbered way and let lose their imagination. Duchamp came to inspire numerous modern artists including Andy Warhol, John Cage, Yoko Ono and even Lady Gaga. This film focuses on the works of Duchamp housed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Yale University Art Gallery, such as "The Large Glass", which opens up a different way of looking at art by transcending the physical form and reality and introducing a four-dimensional perspective. Many modern art luminaries such as Jeff Koons, film director Michel Gondry and the "grandmother of performance art" Marina Abramović make their appearances to analyse the meaning and impact of Duchamp's art.

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